There were/are some bugs in the game that will, for example, make an item permanently disappear from your backpack or skip a conversation that should have given you a particular item. This is always bad, but especially so if it's an important item that will cause someone without it to be permanently stuck.
In addition to fixing these bugs as we figure out what causes them, we've slowly been adding ways to detect that specific key items are missing and give them back to players who've already been affected. This page tells you about how you'd get back such items.
- Note that this is about unsticking people who would otherwise be permanently stuck. It isn't about items that you could earn more of, even if it would be very hard/painful to get them again. I'm sorry if that's what went missing in your case. Among other things, there's no good way for the game to know how much you should currently have, so it can't determine that any are missing.
How do I know if I should have the item by now?
Please search online or ask in the Cozy Grove Discord server. As a last resort you can email, but we're a small studio and there are many questions that the helpful folks in Discord are quite capable of fielding and would love to help with, which would free us up to deal with the harder questions.
- The info from the Progress Debug Screen may help you and others to understand if you've made enough progress or waited long enough to have gotten the item. Please check that out first, and if you're still not sure please get a screenshot of that screen to share with the folks who might help you.
How do I get a missing item?
Seditious Flyers
Please see this page:
Letter of Forgiveness
After Postal Bear undergoes a significant change (if you don't know what I'm talking about then it hasn't happened yet), complete a timed quest for him. He should give you the letter in addition to the other rewards he normally gives.
Something you can get more of
Unfortunately we won't be working on a way to give these back, even if it wasn't your fault and whatever you lost was very valuable. We're sorry about this.
Unpurchasable tools (Shovel, Pickaxe, Machete, Dowsing Rod)
If you once had it, please first see if the Tool Finder can tell you where it is now.
If you never had it or the Tool Finder doesn't know where it is, please read the "Other key items" section below.
Purchasable tools (Fishing Rod, Accordion, Camera, Critter Net, Crystal Dowsing Rod)
If you once had it, please first see if the Tool Finder can tell you where it is now.
If you never had it or the Tool Finder doesn't know where it is, please repurchase it from the merchant you originally bought it from (Mr. Kit for most of these; Ms. Carouse during the Spring Festival in the case of the Crystal Dowsing Rod). You can purchase each of one of these per day IF the game thinks you don't currently own the item, so if you just purchased one today, please try again on the next game day.
- Note that Crystal Dowsing Rods break and disappear after a single use. This is intentional; they are one-use-only items. The designers expect that you will purchase multiple of these during the festival if you have sufficient means and are so inclined.
Other key items
Beginning in version 3.0.0, talking to a bear and choosing the first dialogue option will result in them saying they found something important and throwing you particular items that are missing, one at a time (i.e., you may have to talk to them more than once if you're missing multiple items). This only works for certain items as detailed below—we need to add each item explicitly, and sometimes it can get complicated.
Version 3.0.0 and higher
- Town Deed
- Wolf Coins
- The two furniture items (of three total items) that you're supposed to purchase with Wolf Coins
Version 3.1.0 and higher
- Shovel (Basic, Pro, and Master)
- Pickaxe (Basic, Pro, and Master)
- Machete (Basic, Pro, and Master)
- Dowsing Rod (Basic, Pro, and Master)
- Unique Shell that Surfer Bear's 4th milestone gives you
- Scout Book Pages (Ranger Bear asks for 7 of these early in the game)
- Symbol Dust that Bruin Tram's 6th milestone gives you
Version 3.2.0 and higher
- Letter that Emperor Bear's 11th milestone gives you
Version 4.0.0 and higher
- Ornate Gear Recipe needed for Maker Bear's 18th milestone
- Photo of Ursula needed for Arjun Bhalla's 16th milestone
- Memorable Rock from Rock Bear's 11th milestone. Ranger Bear asks for this very late in the game
- Second attempt at giving back the Master Shovel, because someone said they didn't get it back the normal way
Version 4.1.0 and higher
- 10 Ancient Symbols, given in Bruin Tram's 6th milestone
Version 4.2.0 and higher
- Old TV, given and used in Bruin Tram's 7th milestone
Version 5.1.0 and higher
- Royal Mirror, given in Rock Bear's 5th milestone, used in Emperor Bear's 3rd milestone.
Version 5.2.0 and higher
- Shell Necklace, given in Sunflower Bear's 12th milestone, used in Surfer Bear's 17th milestone.
An item not on this list
- Please email and let us know which item it is. Please don't assume that we already know and are working on it—we're probably not since our engineers have moved on to Cozy Grove 2 (but the Support team may still be able to help).
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