Note: The instructions on this page apply only to progress (bears, unlocked chapters, etc.). If your only concern is getting your Infinite Honey purchase back, you can get that back at any time (even if you can't get your progress back) by following these instructions.
Android (Google Play) Devices
The following points (not all will be applicable to you) may help you to get your progress back.
- If you were previously using Google Play Games Service with Alphabear, then the instructions for getting your progress back are here.
- If you were not previously using Google Play Games Service with Alphabear but your old device still has your progress, then you can transfer your progress as described here (except that you wouldn't go back-and-forth; you would transfer it and then stop playing on your old device).
- If you were not previously using Google Play Games Service with Alphabear and your old device no longer has your progress, unfortunately we aren't able to get your progress back since it was never saved in the cloud to begin with. Please follow these instructions to use cloud saving so that this does not happen again.
- If your cloud save should have been created but isn't loading, it's possible that the cloud save was corrupt as described at the bottom of this page.
- If you have a device that still has your progress, please try creating and transferring a non-corrupt cloud save as described in Point 2 above.
- If you no longer have a device with your progress, I am very sorry but unfortunately we aren't able to recover a corrupt cloud save. Please email us with the information described in this article so we can use your info and player data to investigate this problem.
iOS Devices
The following points (not all will be applicable to you) may help you to get your progress back.
- If you were previously using iCloud cloud saving with Alphabear, then the instructions for getting your progress back are here.
- If you were not previously using iCloud cloud saving with Alphabear but your old device still has your progress, then you can transfer your progress as described here (except that you wouldn't go back-and-forth; you would transfer it and then stop playing on your old device).
- If you were not previously using iCloud cloud saving with Alphabear and your old device no longer has your progress, unfortunately we aren't able to get your progress back since it was never saved in the cloud to begin with. Please follow these instructions to use cloud saving so that this does not happen again.
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