- How to play Triple Town
- Where can I get Triple Town?
- How do I replay the Triple Town tutorial?
- What do I get when I pay for Unlimited Turns on the mobile game?
- Why does it take 4 Floating Castles (not 3) to make a Triple Castle?
- What do the villagers' speech bubbles mean?
- How to play Robin Bear! (Mobile game only)
- Triple Town Inventory Size (computer version only)
- How do I "give up" on a map if I want to start over? (Triple Town)
- How do I switch between the different graphics sets (Spring, Winter, etc.)? (Mobile version only)
- What do the purchasable graphics sets (a.k.a., "skins") look like? (Triple Town, mobile game only)
- How do I kill the Ninja Bears?
- Triple Town Object Progression
- How do I buy Animals or the Fall / Winter / Spring / Candy Country graphics? (Mobile game only)
- How does a Crystal know what object to become?
- What are the point penalties for "botting" structures?
- How long until the in-game Store restocks?
- How do I pay for the Unlimited Turns feature?