- How to play Triple Town
- Where can I get Triple Town?
- How do I replay the Triple Town tutorial?
- What do I get when I pay for Unlimited Turns on the mobile game?
- Why does it take 4 Floating Castles (not 3) to make a Triple Castle?
- What do the villagers' speech bubbles mean?
Bugs and Technical Support
- I'm using a Samsung device and Android 12 or Android 13 and the game won't launch (TTm)
- Why are there no Live Events? (Triple Town, moblie version only)
- "Unlimited Turns" never activated, or disappeared. (Mobile game only)
- I lost some features that I paid for with real money and need them restored. (Triple Town, Mobile game only)
- How to adjust sound settings (TTm)
- I got a new iOS device and the app just sits there (Triple Town, iOS only)
Capital City (PC/Mac versions only)
- What is the Capital City and how do I get it? (Triple Town, computer versions only)
- What are decorative items good for?
- What's up with the "super" Capital City objects (created by combining 4 or more lower-tier objects)?
- How do Cranes work, and where do I get them? (Triple Town, computer version only)
- The part of the capital city I care about is unclickable, offscreen, or covered by the store
- Military Set progression in the Capital City
"Boom Town" Map (Mobile game only)
Google+ Questions (Google Play mobile game only)
- Google's "Play Games" app
- How can I see my local leaderboard rather than the Google+ leaderboard? (Google Play devices only)
- How do I sign out of the Google+ Leaderboards / Achievements? (TTm Google Play version only)
- How do I sign into the Google+ Leaderboards / Achievements? (Triple Town, Google Play version only)
Game Center questions (iOS devices only)
- What is Game Center and how do I use it with Triple Town? (iOS devices only)
- How do I view and take on Challenges? (TTm, iOS 6.0 and above only)
- How do I add a Friend in Game Center? (iOS 9 and below only)
- How do I sign into Game Center? (iOS, Triple Town)
- How do I Challenge my friends? (TTm, iOS 6.0 and above only)
- How do I sign into the Game Center Leaderboards / Achievements? (TTm, iOS devices only)
Computer Version (Steam, Amazon, GOG)
- Where do I find my save files? (Triple Town, computer version only)
- How long is the Triple Town Tutorial? (Computer version only)
- How can I load a different Triple Town save data file? (Steam version only)
- How can I back up my Triple Town save data? (Steam version only)
- How can I start Triple Town over from the very beginning? (Steam version only)
- How do I use my Steam code for Triple Town?