The error message in question occurs when you attempt to purchase something using real money, or when you attempt to restore a purchase previously made with real money. It reads as follows:
"This is not a Test User account. Please create a new account in the Sandbox environment. [Environment: Sandbox]"
In our experience, what that message means is that you've been using a test version of an app. It could have been (and probably was) an app other than Triple Town. It is also possible that you receive this message via some other means; however at this time we don't know what those means would be.
Several players have said that the following steps will get you out of this Sandbox environment so that you can make your purchase:
- Exit from Game Center by following these instructions.
- Fully exit from all apps by following these instructions . Make sure to swipe the app tray / carousel left and right to make sure that you've exited from all apps.
- Delete Triple Town.
- Reboot your device (fully power it down, then power it up again).
- Reinstall Triple Town.
- Attempt your purchase/restoration again.
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