(Note: These instructions are for Android only. To report a problem with Road Not Taken on a platform other than Android, please go to this page.)
Please email support@spryfox.com with the following information:
- Let us know that you were playing Road Not Taken on Android. We have several games on several platforms and so it helps when we don't have to guess which game and platform you are talking about.
- Which model of device are you playing on (e.g., Samsung Galaxy S4 or Google Nexus 6P)?
- Which version of Android is your device running (e.g., Android 5.1.1 or Android 6.0.1)?
- What is the problem, and what were you doing when the problem occurred? E.g., “I placed five flowers next to each other but the door did not open” or “The game stopped responding to my input after I combined three Red Spirits to make an Axe”.
- If you are easily able to do so, please attach a screenshot of the problem.
- Which language are you playing the game in? (E.g., English, Spanish, French, etc.)
- What is the version number of your game?
- If you can open the Options menu, it should be displayed at the bottom.
- If you can't open the Options menu, please follow the steps on this page.
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