Please follow these directions to find the directory where Road Not Taken is installed. (email if you have questions):
- Start from the Steam application. If the word "LIBRARY" is not already highlighted, click it to switch to the LIBRARY view.
- Look through the list of games to find Road Not Taken.
- Right-click Road Not Taken. This will bring up a pop-up menu.
- In that pop-up menu, click Properties. This will bring up the Properties window.
- In the Properties window, click the tab labeled "LOCAL FILES". This will switch you to the LOCAL FILES tab.
- Click the button labeled "BROWSE LOCAL FILES...". This will open your computer's file browsing program (Windows Explorer or the equivalent). The folder that it opens to will contain several files and folders related to Road Not Taken, including the Road Not Taken executable. This is the directory in which Road Not Taken is installed!
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