If the game is crashing while signing in to Google Play Games Service, please do the following:
- Go into your device's Settings app. In the Accounts section, look at the Google accounts.
- How many accounts are listed?
- How many of the listed accounts already have Google+ profiles?
If the answer to either of the above questions is "zero", then please read on as this may help you to avoid the crash. Otherwise (or if it does not help), please email support@spryfox.com and let us know what the answers to those questions were.
If you have zero accounts listed
The game may be crashing while trying to bring up the interface that lets you add a Google account to your device. Please:
- Add the Google account via the Settings app.
- If the account you added does not already have a Google+ profile, then read the next section.
- Launch the game and try to sign in again.
If zero of the accounts listed have Google+ profiles
You will not be able to sign into Google Play Game Services (cloud save / leaderboards / achievements) without a Google+ profile. It is possible that the crashing occurs in the code helping you to set up a Google+ profile for the first time. Please do one of the following:
- If you don't want to set up a Google+ profile, simply avoid the Sign In buttons as they won't benefit you.
- If you want to set up a Google+ profile,
- Create your Google+ profile outside of the game. To do this, access https://plus.google.com in a web browser and fill out the forms.
- Wait a few minutes so Google can notify its servers about the new profile.
- Launch the game and try to sign in again.
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