The Dowsing Rod tool helps you find some buried resources via a little game of hot/cold ("hot" meaning that you're close to the target location, and "cold" meaning that you're far from it). Hotness/coldness is indicated by the snowflake or flame icon above the dowsing rod. When you get close enough to the target location, an X appears on the ground. Stand on the X and press the appropriate button to dig up the rewards!
- Colder (you are moving in the wrong direction)
- Warmer (you are moving in the right direction)
- Hot (you are very near the treasure)
- X marks the spot! Click it or press the appropriate button to dig up your rewards.
- As of version 1.6.2 (which is now available on all platforms), the dowsing rod will wiggle once every few seconds if there's a treasure to be found. If you see it wiggle, put it in your primary equipment slot and go treasure hunting!
- You must be holding the dowsing rod in your primary equipment slot in order for it to have any effect.
- You must move for a bit and then stop in order to see the snowflake/flame icon. It will appear for about 1 second when you stop moving, then fade out.
- If you moved and stopped and no snowflake/flame icon appeared, that probably means there's no hidden treasure to find right now. Try again at a later time/date!
- If there hasn't been any treasure in several days, make sure your dowsing rod isn't broken. Select it and at the top of the description should should be words to the effect of "Durability: 3/5". Make sure the first number isn't 0. If the first number is 0, take the dowsing rod to Maker Bear (a.k.a., Jeremy Gruffle) and get it repaired.
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