Hi Scouts! We are so pleased to announce the release of both our free Spring Update, as well as our first DLC for Cozy Grove, the New Neighbears DLC!
These are available on all platforms (as always, if you aren't seeing it, just give it a few hours; sometimes different platforms have caching hiccups and their stores don't update as quickly as they should, depending on your location.)
New Neighbears contains the following:
- 4 new bears. Their stories are longer than any of the game’s original bears, but also designed to take less calendar time to complete – i.e. less waiting in between story beats, and no “waiting for one bear to give you something that another bear needs.” (See, we’ve been listening to you!) These bears appear on the island once you have ascended certain of the old bears.
- A new type of critter – Butterflies – to catch and collect during the Spring and Summer seasons.
- A new option (once you’ve completed a certain quest, we won’t say more than that) to bring all the bears together in one place with you for a special group moment.
- A new song added to the background music collection
- Unique new clothing that you’ll automatically receive upon purchasing the DLC
- Bonus: some free expansions for your clothing closet, as an extra “thank you” for supporting us.
- Bonus: a free, special house cat.
The Spring Update brings Ms. Carouse back to the island, and with her:
- New festival items you can earn.
- Dyes, which allow you to change the color of decorations
- Orchids, which are a Spring-only source of special dyes
- Ducklings, a temporary Spring pet that will follow you around the island once you've unlocked them!
- A new gold storage chest you can buy from Pandam, if you're a late game player with way too much gold in your inventory.
- ... and more, including some nice bugfixes and balance tweaks.
The Spring festival begins April 27th and runs until May 25th.
Thank you, all of you, for your support and encouragement. As always, we are very grateful to you, and we hope you enjoy these updates. 🙂
Also in this version:
- Mosquito critters have had their behaviors revamped; they are a bit more chill now.
- Manually saving and returning to the main menu has been sped up substantially.
- Other minor bugfixes and improvements.
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