As of v1.10.0, this is the relevant text
These are the some common reasons that you can't play a particular tier of the Dressed To Spell event:
- It's not the 20th of the month. The "Dressed To Spell" event is only playable on the 20th of each month (May 20th, June 20th, July 20th, etc.)
- You don't own the required clothing for the tier. Note that we used to require you to both own and wear the clothing; now owning the clothes is sufficient.
- You haven't ever beaten the previous tier. No fair skipping to Tier 4 until you've at some point (possibly in a previous month) beaten Tiers 1, 2, and 3.
- You already won on that tier today. Each time the event comes around, you get at most one win on each tier.
- You're already qualified for the next tier. When you qualify for a tier, the previous tier locks if you've already beaten it.
Prior to v1.10.0, the following text applied
These are the some common reasons that you can't play a particular tier of the Dressed To Spell event:
- It's not the 20th of the month. The "Dressed To Spell" event is only playable on the 20th of each month (May 20th, June 20th, July 20th, etc.)
- You already played a tier of Dressed To Spell today. Each time the event comes around, you get only one play across all tiers. If you already used that one play on a different tier, then you're done until next month.
- Because of this, consider playing the highest tier for which you can meet the requirements since you do have to beat Tier 2 to access Tier 3, etc.
- You are not wearing the required clothing for the tier. This will probably change in the future, but for now it's not enough just to own the clothes, you also have to wear them.
- You didn't beat the previous tier at some point in the past. (You're not allowed to, for example, play Tier 2 if you've never beaten Tier 1, etc. So it will take several months to advance through all the tiers.)
- There is a display bug in the game where, if you're wearing the clothing requirements for a particular tier (e.g., if you're wearing the required outfit for Tier 3), it will write "Completed" in the previous tier (Tier 2) even though you haven't actually completed the previous tier (Tier 2). If you find yourself in this situation, dress for and beat the previous tier this month, and next month you can beat the tier you were originally dressed for. You can when tell you're in this situation because:
- You're fully dressed for a particular tier.
- The requirements for tier are written out in a long string of text, not displayed in a checklist.
- There is no Play button for the tier.
- The previous tier says Completed.
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