As of version v01.00.01, these are the ways that you can get more honey
- Honey recharges over time whenever you are below 100 honey. You get one honey every 2 minutes and 20 seconds until you reach/exceed that cap. (The Honey Maximizer feature increases the cap to 150 honey and speeds up recharging speed by 10%.)
- 3 times per day, you can click the honeycomb icon at the top of the screen, then choose to watch an ad for more honey. (Owners of the No-Ads feature must still click the button, but get their honey without being served the ad.)
- You will sometimes get a small amount of honey when you win a mission; however, the amount will be less than you spent to play the mission so you cannot come out ahead this way.
You cannot buy more honey. And you cannot buy Infinite Honey (which was a feature we sold in the original Alphabear). Please see this page if you want more information on these two decisions.
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