(Note: Information on this page was current as of the feature's launch. This page may not have been updated since then; please email support@spryfox.com if something seems wrong or outdated.)
Q: What do I get with the VIP Subscription?
- An 80% discount on tournament replays.
- It normally costs 60 coins each time you want to replay a tournament match, but VIP subscribers pay only 12 coins per replay.
- 100 free coins every week.
- 2 free coffees every week.
Q: Where/When/How do I get my weekly free coins and coffees?
- To claim the free coins and coffee, just go to the game's main menu. A screen should pop up saying that you've received the coins and coffee.
- You can claim the first week's coins and coffee as soon as you initially subscribe.
- If you initially subscribe from the Main Menu's Shop, you are already on the Main Menu and will see the first such popup immediately after subscribing.
- If you initially subscribe from the Tournaments Tier page, you will have to back out to the Main Menu to see the popup.
- After that, you can claim the free coins and coffee again after they reset, which occurs each week at 12:01am local time on Sunday.
- You have to actually go into the game each week and claim your free coins and coffee. You won't, for example, have 300 coins and 6 coffees waiting for you if you go 3 weeks in a row without claiming them.
Q: I'm not awake at 12:01am Sunday!
- That's okay. You have a whole week to claim your free coins and coffee. Just claim them when you are awake.
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